Lyra Atlas SL Cartridge Magnet type??

The Lyra Atlas SL, search all over the Internet, can’t seem to find the type of magnet being use on the cart. Any members have info. on this, can you advise?  Much appreciated!

Yes... i did call the distributor ( Audioquest ),  they have no idea what kind (type) of magnet being use to built the cartridge.  
Dave in perfect world yes the more Gauss you'll get the more output cartridge will generate with less turns of wire into the coil.
Although do you know the reason why in this case it's disc shaped if  neodymium so prefect?

@geoffkait  The reason that I asked about Platinum magnets is that is what is utilized by Koetsu on their upper end models...and yet the question is..what exactly is a Platinum magnet? IMO, it is a marketing name given to a somarium cobalt magnet...which as we know is inferior in its gauss to a neodymium. @bukanona.  The answer to your question is widely available on the web.
daveyf  Platinum magents are a thing and not some marketing gimmick.  The Lyra Parnassus famously used this type of magnet and in order to get an Olympos beyond the original run of 10pc, a Parnassus donor was required for the magnet.


I was just wondering;  does a particular magnet, type or kind of magnet dictate the sound of the cartridge?   I know that Different kind of magnet will sound different but should a person like myself if looking for a cart, should that be a factor in choosing which cart i should buy due to the type of magnet.?  So if a magnet from a cartridge is made from Neo, Alnico, platinum or cobalt,  what are some of the benefits and why?