Magico - a new Mini?

I was looking at their website to read the reviews and noticed that they don't list the Mini 2 in the Product section. They do list a new Q3 model.
Does anyone know if their is a new Mini replacement coming out?
Do you mind listing the partnering equipment in that system that you helped set up? Was it the Mini or the Mini II? And you are not alone in thinking the Mini has a great "look". I fully agree, but then I own them. They aren't full range, but in my room they do a great job from 40Hz on up and sound much bigger than one would think.
The Mini goes down to 30Hz in my room, which is about the same as the W/P 7 they replaced, but without the boost from 50-100Hz, Which made the W/P mid-bass more dynamic but less controlled. However, at 20Hz, I get almost 10dB more output from the Mini then I did with the Wilson's.
At the time,the amp was a Rowland 8t,and a "highly" modded Audio Research SP-10(and I mean "modded to the max").The digital system was a Levinson 390s,with a modded SOTA Cosmos/Graham Phantom/Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge.All going through SOTA line conditioning/regeneration.Cabling was top flight too.

Btw,from all of the cd's and early pressing Mercury,Decca,EMI Lp's we played(often)there is NO doubt those speakers plunged to the low thirties in freq....."and with ease"!!We played many discs from the TAS list,that we knew went "deep"....and,that little speaker shook the room!

Not only did the epeaker go deep,but the bass "pitch definition" (something many audio fellas know little about)was fantastic!That sealed box was a big factor there,as to the actual perceived pitch accuracy.

That is one area where I wonder how good the much touted TAD Reference Monitor could be(even though I myself have hyped it),as it is "not" a sealed enclosure.Sure,deep/powerful bass,but how accurate,from a pitch perfect perspective?

I really think the Mini(yup,it was the Mini II,and I should have mentioned "that")was discontinued due to a combination of the cabinet costs and current economic situation as it would relate to actual sales.I believe that the cabinetry(gorgeous)was brought in from abroad.

Best to all
Btw,I mispoke....The Pre was an Audio Research "modded" SP-15...not an SP-10(though I used to own both)! Sorry!
Accurate description of what I am experiencing myself. That is with the VTL MB-450 III. I am, however, curious to hear the Q1. I actually like the look and was told that they will have better power handling and even greater bass extension then the Mini. That could be interesting.