one point to mention here -- naim’s are much more powerful than their super conservative published ratings suggest... and the quality of their design and sound are really excellent - don’t be fooled by the supernait rated at 80 wpc
separately, good to know alan shaw, designer / owner of harbeth, who is publicly ’amplifier-agnostic’ -- and yet the main amp used in his testing and listening is a hegel h360 -- draw from that any conclusions you like hahahaha
one point to mention here -- naim’s are much more powerful than their super conservative published ratings suggest... and the quality of their design and sound are really excellent - don’t be fooled by the supernait rated at 80 wpc
separately, good to know alan shaw, designer / owner of harbeth, who is publicly ’amplifier-agnostic’ -- and yet the main amp used in his testing and listening is a hegel h360 -- draw from that any conclusions you like hahahaha