@donquichotte Hmmm, this is always difficult, but to me the Classic 100 gave a more full-bodied sound, right across the spectrum from treble to bass. There was more there there. The illusion of being in the same hall with a large group of instruments. Something that I've started referring to, in my own shorthand, as wave-launch. The sound hitting you. I imagine good planars have it too. In comparison, to my ears on that afternoon in that room and setup, the D7 sounded rather thin and rather tipped up to the treble, more Twiggy than Gina Lollobrigida.
This likely does not help, but the closest sound I've heard to the Classic 100 is the Harbeth 40.2. As their design and provenance suggests, they are not that far apart--not surprising. With the major caveat of different systems and different rooms, I'd say the Spendor was a touch more "technicolor", a touch more meaty, and the Harbeth a touch clearer, a touch better at delineating musical lines. But all that may be down to other factors, and my impossible dream is to hear them side by side, to do a proper comparison. The place where I heard the Harbeths, I also heard ProAc D30, and my reaction to them was very similar to my reaction to the D7.
I realize that this is not a "majority opinion", but I still think it's a valid one.