Next time I’m up in Pennsylvania I’ll try and check out those Joseph Audio Perspectives, and if I visit family up on Long Island, there must be a dealer somewhere around NYC who has the Spendor D9’s to listen to. That will solidify my understanding of both your explanations, and provide a contrast with Magico A3’s sound.
I’ve read where some individuals have paired the Magico’s with tube amps to achieve a warmer sound. I heard them demoed with a couple of mono- blocks which I can’t recall the names of, not the Hegels they had on hand. They had a full rich sound I would have never thought to have described as over-indexed or overly analytical (another term I honestly don’t quite understand the use of either) or I might have been put off by them. I’m hoping the Luxman 507 MkII will approach the mono-blocks sound.
Shkong, I have looked at Mark of Silnote’s site previously. That’s a good suggestion to revisit it as he’s local, and to give him a call. I’ve read equally convincing opinions on various cables being the greatest thing since white bread, to their being nothing more than a hoax. If he could provide some loaners I could figure it out in a heartbeat. Thanks for the reminder of this local resource.