Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9

Hi All,

I have been doing some research over the past while and am currently in the midst of a search for my next floorstanding speaker that costs around ~$10k. My other thread that I posted in this forum gave me a lot to consider. Rather than post there, I figured a most focused thread would be a good idea. Now, I have distilled my choices to these 3 choices... I think.

Power: I will be powering the speakers with a SET amp (48W per channel).
Sources: Most of my sources are digital (Roon/Tidal). I mostly listen to jazz, classical and female vocals. I would appreciate a speaker that provides that good, snappy bass where I don't need a subwoofer.
Room: Large room (will be in the living room that opens up to the kitchen and then the dining room). Aesthetics do matter here.

I have received a ton of help through the forums already during my search and have now narrowed down my speaker choices to (in no particular order):

  • Magico A3 - No issues driving these speakers with my amp. Tested and they sounded wonderful. Very analytical and super clear details. Tight bass as well but maybe more weighted in the clarity/details than warmth, even with my tube amp.
  • Joseph Audio Perspective - No dealers in WA or OR so no way to test these but have heard wonderful things about these speakers. Sounds like imaging/sound stage is a strong suit along with clarity. I wonder how bass performance is though as these have smaller woofers compared to my other choices.
  • Spendor D9 - Have not heard these speakers yet but am trying to find a local dealer that has them in stock.
Another one that I am still thinking about is the Daedalus Argos but I would like to hear some feedback on the top 3 at this time.

Prof and freesole, thanks for taking your time to provide your thorough explanation of what "warmth" means. I understand better what that frequently mentioned expression means now.

Next time I’m up in Pennsylvania I’ll try and check out those Joseph Audio Perspectives, and if I visit family up on Long Island, there must be a dealer somewhere around NYC who has the Spendor D9’s to listen to. That will solidify my understanding of both your explanations, and provide a contrast with Magico A3’s sound.

I’ve read where some individuals have paired the Magico’s with tube amps to achieve a warmer sound. I heard them demoed with a couple of mono- blocks which I can’t recall the names of, not the Hegels they had on hand. They had a full rich sound I would have never thought to have described as over-indexed or overly analytical (another term I honestly don’t quite understand the use of either) or I might have been put off by them. I’m hoping the Luxman 507 MkII will approach the mono-blocks sound.

Shkong, I have looked at Mark of Silnote’s site previously. That’s a good suggestion to revisit it as he’s local, and to give him a call. I’ve read equally convincing opinions on various cables being the greatest thing since white bread, to their being nothing more than a hoax. If he could provide some loaners I could figure it out in a heartbeat. Thanks for the reminder of this local resource.

I've heard the A3s on Vac monoblocks at the LA Audio Show and me and two others found them dynamically restricted and kinda dead sounding.

I've heard the D7s numerous times including at a local dealer and find them far more musical sounding. They worked particularly well on a Jadis integrated.

I would also add the Devore Super 9 to your list.
Magico A3s are so bad they sold over 700 pairs people love restricted and dead.WOW DUDE!!!!!!

There are very few absolutes in audiophilia beyond it's playing music//there is no sound coming from it.

So, the majority always knows best?

Or, to look at it another way, so many factors feed into sales of a particular product, how can you take sale figures as an indicator of pretty much anything (other than we should all be buying shares in Magico).

By producing lots of very high-priced speakers reviewed deliriously in Absolute Sound, they created a mystique around the brand.  There are other factors too.  So when they come out with a good-sounded, highly competent 10K speaker it's hailed as something really special.

It *is* really special to the people who hear it and really like it.  It *isn't* to those that don't.  Both judgments are equally valid.

Has anyone came across the output impedance and or dampening factor of  the Line Magnetic 805ia.

Also has any one came across impedance values, curves, phase angles for the Magico A3's. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places;  all I have been able to find is the crossover maybe a modified 4th order.

Would be grateful for any info

Thank you