Magico A5, Wilson SabrinaX, or PS Audio FR30?

Powered by a McIntosh MA12000 in a 14’ (width) x 30’ (depth) x 10.5’ (height) room with concrete floors. Listening is 50% jazz, 10% classical, 25% rock/alt, 15% electronic. Sources are a Dr. Feickert Blackbird/Soundsmith Hyperion analog and Innuos Statement digital.  Ideally, I'd like to eliminate the need for dual subwoofers.

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I second Magico A5.  If I were buying another set of speakers, it would be them.  One of the most musical speakers I have heard at the 25K price range. Why would you even think of the PS Audio, for one no one has heard the speakers and two, they are not speaker manufacturers.  I would rather have a company known for speakers with very solid engineering and reviews that prove the speakers are what the manufacturer claims. 

Stereo5, I agree.  Just threw them out there to see if anyone has heard them.  Zero reviews.