Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s

If price were not a consideration and you could have any upstream electronics you choose, in 16 by 22 room, which of the following speakers would you choose and why? Magico Mini 2 , Kharma Midi Exquisite, MBL 101 E, or the Sonus Faber Amati Annaversary.
in this order..mbl(or just opt for the most expensive ohm), sonus, kaharma
Ceramic drivers do sound dry, and ring a bit at high volumes, esp when partnered with wrong equipment usally SS amps

I agree - what you say is "generally" true of rigid light weight drivers, however, as Mike points out - the C79/6 accutons are extremely good because of the rubber dots which apparently help reduce the out of band ringing below audibility (they are not just ceramic). Just a bit limited dynamically thats all - otherwise one of the best drivers in the world and used on several top of the line speakers. They have a nice flat response and very low distortion.
First off,I happen to like Kharma speakers,very much!!Personally,and from quite a bit of exposure,I believe they definitely do much better with tube equipment.

Yet,the Magico Mini,driven by "elite" SS amplifuication is simply an astounding speaker!!I've heard it loads of times,at a friend's home,where I helped set them up.

The "driver" business we speak of(ceramic,or otherwise)is better employed on the Mini,because(IMO)the actual nature of the driver materials allow for less "aggresiveness" at louder volumes,versus ceramic types,or really many other types.

The "only" other speaker that compares to the type of inner detail and tonality the Mini portrays(at good volumes,but not overtly loud)is the Avalon Ascent Mk-II.Another overly built,sealed design,yet with a bit more upper mid air.....THIS is "just" opinion,from careful personal evaluation....Nothing written in stone!!

I happen to like the inner details that ceramic drivers allow,but "sorry",they can sound a bit "too much", when played at volume,necessitating a smoothe(but quite nice,to my tastes)tube amp.The Lamm 2.1(which is a fabulous amp)"does" Kharmas to the N'th degree,IMO!Yet,ceramic lacks the "last word" in tonal truth,to my ears!

However this is easily overlooked,because it can still sound SO DARN GOOD!!

So,back to the Mini.....with a "good" powerful SS amp design(assuming you have a superb pre),you can get the type of dynamics,and surprisingly good timbres(not unlike tubes)that many lust for.

Yet,the design allows for very good inner textures,that is "only" available on ceramic drivers,with extreme care in matching componentry.You've got a better shot of getting the textures right,with the Mini,compared to a ceramic based design.

The Mini,IMO,is easier to get "right"!

Forget about any "bass" issues,unless the room is LARGE!!

Just some thoughts.
Magico mini much more musical more natural Kharmas in your face must have tubes to tame forward ceramic sound People love to knock #1. If you dont like Magico you have NOT heard them set up right!!
I heard the Mini 2 at Singer and loved them, but felt that there would be no way (for me to own them) if I didn't run a sub as well.