Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s

If price were not a consideration and you could have any upstream electronics you choose, in 16 by 22 room, which of the following speakers would you choose and why? Magico Mini 2 , Kharma Midi Exquisite, MBL 101 E, or the Sonus Faber Amati Annaversary.
Well I hate to be contrary,but to my ears the MBL speakers are a perfect example of excessive "disco sound"....Many folks like this!Not a hint of realism,and for those who like to be seated on top of the band,when at a catered affair,like weddings etc.

I have heard the 101's many times,and always leave with a slight head ache.Whew!!

There "is" a very nice open sound,but not a hint of bass coherence.AND the bass is always overblown!

The Magico Mini MUST be set up in a medium sized room,to "get it" with these little gems!Otherwise yes,a sub will aid in a large room....

To me,they are more involving than the "overwhelmingly unrealistic" 101's.....

Far more coherent,and involving......Long term listenable,which the 101's are not...

Unless one is the type to like a BIG "auto-sound system" when driving around town,and annoying all who stops closely to your car...then yes,the 101's are for you!

Sorry,just my personal observation,from hearing both speakers....ALOT!

Nothing personal but the comments made regarding MBL 101E speakers is laughable and so far off it's ridiculous but that's okay as we all have our own opinions.

Regarding the Magico Mini 2's, I have to say by far they are the biggest disappointment to date I have had in this audio hobby. I actually own a pair do you own MBL 101E's or ever had them in your own system? I'm sure you haven't, I have nothing to gain but to only share with others of my findings. Every person so far who has heard them in my place has had the same opinion which is left us all scratching our heads wondering what is all the hype about and what are you guys hearing. I'm not saying they are not good two ways but come on they no way compete with MBL 101E's, I could go in to detail but why? In addition the list price for these only being a two way is ridiculous! and no way worth it.

Direct comparisons were done only swapping out the speakers using the following gear; ARC REF3 pre., CAT JL3 Sig. MK2 mono blocks, Accustic Arts Hybrid dac, Oracle 2000 transport, cables SP's Stealth Dream, IC's Stealth Indra's, PC's Stealth Dream. DC's Stealth Sextet
Dev,since your comments were obviously directed at me let me clarify.Also,of course these are just opinions and should not cause animosity!

I cannot see how "anyone" could make a "meaningful" comparison between the Minis and MBL's as these two speakers are SO unrelated(in terms of room demands)...

The MBL needs a very large space to breathe,and the MINI will work best with "room reinforcement" to get the best out of them....The volume of space you (most likely)have your MBL's in will not show off the Minis to their best....

Also,the Mini has the advantage(and it is a BIG one,but not really understood in this HYPED up hobby)of being a sealed design,which gives a "truer" portrayel of pitch perfect bass response.Many folks don't actually know what pitch perfect bass sounds like,because most mfgrs don't "do" this correctly!!I am NOT accusing you of this!...

Of course you prefer "your" speaker!!You have set up them to optimize their potential,but if one has a "correct" MBL room "volume",the MINI will NOT hold up,unless a sub is employed to fill out the missing bass,due to the (should be) far larger room the MBL's require,which will diminish the Mini's performance envelope!...Hmm!

Not a fair fight,and I have no doubts you will be happier with what you own(yes,I may have gone a bit overboard in my MBL knock...sorry)!

Personally,I believe the Minis are WAY overpriced,but you have been kicking them a little too hard in some of your comments(which you have every right to do,btw).You simply must understand that different designs will show off under the conditions best suited to each of them....

Actually I am taking the liberty of assuming(dangerous)you have compared side by side,which favors your MBL's.

If I am wrong,and you truly put the Minis in the correct "volume of space" needed to show off their best,you have my apology!

My friend owns the MINI II,and I set them up with him....IMO his room is absolutely perfect in size and dimensions...

We have measured his bass output,which extends to 31 hz!...CLEAN!!!...Articulate,and not the boomy bass I have heard from virtually every MBL set-up in the past(far less accurate ported designs,both on paper,and to my ear)...

I have not put MBL's in my room(you've got me on that one),but have made it my business to hear "well set up" systems with them on "numerous" occassions(I'd say a dozen occassions)!...So I think I have a good fix on their presentation.....They too,are not so cheap in price!

Like you said we all have different tastes -:)

This question is sightly off-topic, but I have Piega C40s, which to my ears are very good indeed. I wonder if any of you have compared the Piegas with the other speakers in this list.
Hi Sirspeedy it's okay I don't take it personally, but these forums are to help each other out and when someone responds as you did it needs to be addressed.

Just to let you know I bought the Magico Mini 2's recently looking at downsizing the current set-up in which the MBL's are present and was told these speakers would be a perfect fit along with also looking at buying the Dartzeel amp and pre to go along with the set-up to make it very simple. If you go to for sale items and type in MBL 101E's you will see my set-up and that I have already sold the CATs.

What size is your friends room? and what associated gear is hooked up?

If you read read my threads I don't believe I was kicking them very hard as you put it but just giving my own over all opinion with out going into great detail as I own both MBL and Magico.

I agree with you both are crazy priced but look at the the technology in the MBL's and then look at the Magico Mini 2's and how much they cost, wow! It just does not make any sense.

If you look at the title of this thread "Magico Mini 2 vs Kharma Midi Exquisit vs MBL 101s" I was responding to it.

If you also read I say the Magico Mini 2's are a good 2-way but no way can you compare them to the MBL 101E's and along with this you will see I refer to them needing to be used in a smaller room which I believe sums it all up.

Regarding the MBL's, you are most defiantly open to your own opinion but you have never heard my set-up. No room is perfect even if it is built to spec. and the room my MBL's are in is not my designated room. No speaker is perfect either and all have faults some with less and some with more.

In closing when you said;

"Not a fair fight,and I have no doubts you will be happier with what you own(yes,I may have gone a bit overboard in my MBL knock...sorry)!"

sums what I was trying to convey all along.