Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
If you want to spend that kind of money on speakers, it would be crazy not to really look at it and learn about the Rockport Arrakis. It is an incredibly well engineered, complete loudspeaker. No black magic - just really solid engineering and design leads to perhaps the greatest dynamic speaker being built today.

04-17-12: Soundcomponents
If you want to spend that kind of money on speakers, it would be crazy not to really look at it and learn about the Rockport Arrakis. ...

...and the other usual suspects, the WIlson Alexandria X-2 or XLF, the YG Anat III Signature, Focal Grand Utopia, EM, etc. $180,000 expenditure could easily justify a few plane rides and road trips for auditions.
Heard the wooden horns in NYC in the HighWater Sound room. Great room, fun
people, super music. Very vintage and flavored sound. YG and Magico attempt
to be more neutral and transparent, which to me sounds more like acoustic
music. Others find it too analytical and sterile. Impressions indeed.