Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
If you want to spend that kind of money on speakers, it would be crazy not to really look at it and learn about the Rockport Arrakis. It is an incredibly well engineered, complete loudspeaker. No black magic - just really solid engineering and design leads to perhaps the greatest dynamic speaker being built today.

04-17-12: Soundcomponents
If you want to spend that kind of money on speakers, it would be crazy not to really look at it and learn about the Rockport Arrakis. ...

...and the other usual suspects, the WIlson Alexandria X-2 or XLF, the YG Anat III Signature, Focal Grand Utopia, EM, etc. $180,000 expenditure could easily justify a few plane rides and road trips for auditions.
Heard the wooden horns in NYC in the HighWater Sound room. Great room, fun
people, super music. Very vintage and flavored sound. YG and Magico attempt
to be more neutral and transparent, which to me sounds more like acoustic
music. Others find it too analytical and sterile. Impressions indeed.
I just heard Q7 at my local dealer. Mind you the speakers were just unpacked 2 days ago, still on rollers and have not yet been set up properly so I am sure they can do much more than what I heard. My first impression on vocal music was that the tonal balance, as expected were along the same line as Q5, Q3 but bigger, more detail. I thought big deal, at more than three times the price of my Q3, no thanks. However, I ran Q7 through big symphonic pieces, vocal music, pop etc and Q7 became rather addictive in its effortlessness. There was nothing forced, no strain, music was just produced naturally, nothing mechanical at all. The room I heard was about 5x8m. Q7 was driven by Soulution big monoblocks/pre, TW Acoustic/Reed/Miyajima and Rega top CD player. I'll wait a week or so then I will give it another listen. Luckily, it is way out of my budget so I don't have to think much about it. For what it's worth, Q7 impressed me a lot more than the big YG that I heard on 2 separate occasions. While it is not quite as exciting and attention grabbing as when I heard the big Scaena (the one with 2 double subwoofer, around $120,000 pricetag, I think), Q7 really grows on me very quickly and it would be the speakers I would own if bank account and the floor in my apartment would accommodate!