Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
Happened that my speaker right after Strads was the Mini2..
In general, if one prefers to hear more of speakers--Strads (beautiful, musical).
If one wants to hear more of electronics/recordings--Mini2 (honest, transparent).
Guess I eventually grew tired of that cloaking sameness after two plus years living with Strads. The Minis as I recalled, managed to bring more surprises to the table. Imo, both could be just as musically rewarding when dialed-in right--'balancing' is key.
IMO the best sounding Magicos were the little V2s. The M5s were also good, but very expensive. Somehow the new Q3/Q5 sound too analytical and too sterile for my taste.
Apples to apples (spending a given amount of $$$ and the same electronics), I do not understand how anyone could choose any Magico over SF. Maybe you guys need some Q-Tips?

You could put a very nice sounding system together for what just the Magico monitors cost. Makes no sense