Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system
The real shame is that people like Audiofreak32 are undermining the legitimacy of this forum. I hope AG can put a stop to it.
For my two cents worth, I have to agree with you usermanual. Who could possibly appreciate a writer who continually hijacks posts to tell you what an idiot you must be if you don't think the Linn DS, Sonus Faber and REL are the HANDS DOWN ONLY BEST CHOICE you should ever consider. Tiresome, and a disservice to what-at the end of the day is only a hobby. Everyone can appreciate the passion, but the rigidity of his opinions (usually unsolicited)are a bore. I love Sonus Fabers but I'm pretty sure the Magicos are amazing as for all tastes. Rock on.
Wow, you right:
Jeff Fritz Q7 review. Not afraid to say what he think.