Magico's M9

I know everyone is sick of hearing about this, but $750K for a pair of speakers? I suppose I'd have to upgrade my flea watt amp too.



Thanks Steve. I was unaware of that. I guess the fact that he didn't respond to my question was proof of that.

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i do appreciate you taking the time to comment on your Magico experiences. i can mostly relate. i could never wrap my head around the Magico sound, until two years ago when i spent a couple days at a local audio show where they had the Magico S5 MkII with the Q sub15 and for the first time i heard a Magico that i connected with in terms of musical emotion.

the Magico had always had top level cohesion, but maybe previously the speaker had been thread bare, lacking emotion and somehow now the QSub integration completed the picture. it was at this point when i looked at the M9’s differently. i figured it deserved the benefit of the doubt. but i still have not heard it.

but i respect how your long term Magico viewpoint came to be. it’s where i was until that point where i was touched by their sound.


I can certainly understand making a mistake in audio purchases as I've made quite a few, especially with speakers, but twice with the same brand seemed unusual.