Magico S5 Speaker - SET UP ADVICE PLEASE - Tow-In - Etc.

Any Magico Owners or Dealers or Folks or anyone that may have some basic advice, ideas or feedback from hearing or seeing in a friends, dealers system or owned older version of Magico or something like or anything really that can help me? How are yours or theirs set up? The smallest moves makes huge changes and I am coming from speakers that are so very different so any and all feedback would so welcomed.

I CAN EMAIL YOU PICS of Room / Set up / Etc  fsmthjack at YAH00



ROOM:                         24 x 14 with cathedral ceilings 
MUSIC:                        Good mix - no hard metal / large orchestra and the like
LOUDNESS:                normal levels - just loud enough to sound best
SPEAKERS                  Magico S5 Speakers
AMP:                            Pass Labs X350.5 Amp
SOURCE:                     Bricasti M1SE DAC
TRANSPORT:               mircoRendu 1.4 w/Full suite of Uptone Audio products
CABLES                       HiDiamond Full Loom 
CONDITIONER            HiDiamond HDX2
SUBWOOFERS           (2) Sumiko S.9 Subs (hoping not needed with new Magico's) 

Thanks guys - I am kind of lost here and any help or feedback to get me heading in the right directions would be so appreciated.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
this is a very interesting thread with excellent information. You posted beautiful pics! Hope your system is getting better w/ help from this panel of experts.
Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! for posting information about KS and EnKlein cabling.
I have always wanted to audition these (2) brands. There is not many reviews out there regarding the individual products let alone comparisons to each. Please keep sharing your thoughts and listening impressions as you have represented both brands.
I think you need a pre-amp in the chain period.  I have yet to hear a direct DAC to amp sound great and an dealer friend concurs with me.   It’s a great idea on paper but I have never seen it translate to my satisfaction.  

Hi fsmithjack,

Cabling does have a big effect but should not be looked to for wholesale changes in frequency response or sound character of a speaker. I think you will find that neither the old nor the new cabling alone is going to bring you satisfaction based on the described symptoms.

You local dealer has the clear solution in having someone from Magico visit your home and help guide you through this transition. I would jump on that ASAP.

bar81 -  shadorne

I agree with both of you guys but my system never had this problem before and I'm not sure this is a root problem but there certainly well could be! 

I am open to idea's and suggestions and would love to fix it if that is the case.

I sure don't want band aids and I agree that a cable swap should not make that much difference and I want help hence my asking for help in this thread.

What makes me think I there might not be a root problem is the tear I went on a couple years when I was on the ever spinning speaker - go - round and the only thing that landed me was the Rethm Saadhana V3 Speakers.

As a point of reference here are some of the speakers I used while on the go - round. A whole bunch of Martin Logan Speakers: Aeon i, Accent i, ESL, Vista, Vantage, Spire, Summit, Wilson Watt Puppy 5, Wilson Sophia II, Revel Studio, Kharma CRM 3.2 FE w/the new black drivers, B&W 800, Sonus Faber Cermona Auditor, Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution, Quad 57’s, Audio Physic Virgo and Virgo II's, Magnapan 1.7's and 3.7's. Merlin TSM-MMi, Ascendo C-8 Renaissance and a bunch of others. I state these only as point of reference that I am not just a single full range driver guy that doesn’t have a clue about quality dynamic loudspeakers. 

That said I must admit I am in need of learning about these Magico’s because they have presented me with challenges that none of the above have.

I was hoping it was the cables but I think you guys might be onto something when you speak to a root issue somewhere.

I know it’s not my DAC or my Amp. Those are solid units that many people can speak to. What do you guys think? Maybe my conditioner. I plug my amp right into the wall?

 Maybe have a couple dedicated 20amp lines run to my rig?

Any other ideas?  

Thanks Guys 
