Magico Ultimate III - $700,000 Speakers

For a pair of Magico Ultimate III, they ask for 700 thousand dollars, and five-way systems with horn design are hidden in aluminum cases with a height of 230 centimeters. They reportedly require 10 amplifiers, and in terms of technical innovation, it is worth noting that a highly sensitive compression driver is located in the throat of each horn.



I've read from some that my commentary (and just straight-up BS *L* ) can be hard to follow, to which I'll offer an " 'cuse me" and be happy to recue and 'splain self.

Without going into how many times I've had a significant blow to the head (not self-imposed nor by others, they just happened while looking the other way), I'm more than pleased to be able to communicate without resorting to ASL or the like.

However....I seemed to be 'gifted' with being able to think 'outside' of that box that gets talked about a lot.  It appears to be self-imposed, imho....

So I have a tendency to ignore it....

Given druthers (whatever they may be..?) and the income of a legal nature to excess upon it:

An omni 7.1 system that would track where I and others are within a given space, and adjust the response, balance, and volume to suit..
The 'tech' is here already...just the 'ap' and hardware to attain such is 'pending'...somewhere, and outside of my mind in the hands of one or more that could.

Something not 'brand' limited would be nice...*wistful S*

My audio 'puter already has 'things to do' in my system...why not more? ;)


Well, all that I can say is, I still think that you're a nice guy, but I'm sorry that I mentioned it.

It's OK, friend roxy54.... *G*

We all have different goals, and have gone through much to arrive here in our own manner and means.  Nothing much to hide, or much of a reason to do so. ;)

Btw, for the mental health devotee' in our audience, in no circumstance did I lose consciousness in any of the episodes I referred to above.

In one case, I knocked the other kid out cold (accidental head butt in a flag football skirmish).  The coach approached me and ask me to try out for the school team.

"No, if I can hurt someone like that I'd rather not.  Obviously one could get really hurt in a real game..."  And so much for an NFL career...never big, heavy, or strong enough anyway. *mock tsk*


If Jay toured the Magico facility and recommends then I'm sure people will place a 2nd mortgage on their house 🤣🤭😜