Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
Avantgarde Duo Horns get my vote

Haven’t heard anything that can touch them

But like other posters have said - I need a lottery win :-)
@ smodtactica
Relaxed can be just as fatiguing as aggressive and bright. I just don’t like the sound of ceramic drivers; to my ears they have an unpleasant coloration; once you spot it, it never goes away. As I said in my posts, I have the A3, currently with the Pass INT-250.
Magico! Magico!  Where art thou Magico.

We don't even have a Magico dealer in Denver that I am aware of.
So many good speakers in the stratospheric price ranges. I’ve been to Axpona over many years and these are my top 6 that always impress...

Raido 5.1
Lumen White Lumyere
Magico M3/M6
Wilson Audio Alexx
Focal Utopia Grand
Acoustic Zen Crescendo

I really like the Harbeth 40.2, but they are so different vs. the Magico speakers I own that the comparison is meaningless.

In my own two systems I have the M3's and the Q3's.  They are famous for being neutral - very little, if anything, added to the ultimate sound. I thought the Q3 was the best speaker I ever heard in it's price range - until I bought the M3's.

I've listened to nearly all the current models of Magico speakers at trade shows and I like them all - for different reasons and applications. But, they are expensive. A used pair of any Magico, in good condition, might be an affordable option.