Dear Ponnie,
Thanks for your response. I actually have the MMG's and I love them. My room is about the same size as yours, and on the bright side. I only listen at moderate levels to classical and jazz and occassionally to classic rock.I am currently driving the MMG's with a NAD 50 watt receiver with surprisingly good results. My intention is to pass the receiver on to my daughter as I upgrade.
I have purchased the Scott 222c but it has not arrived. It's been "moded" by Mapleshade so it does reportedly put out 25 watts.
I also have a mid price NAD CD player which I'll pass on to my daughter, a Furman Elite 20 power conditioner, A PSB sub (also going to my daughter) that will be upgraded to a REL T-2 sub. Audioquest Bedrock speaker cables , and Blue Racer interconects complete the system. I have also purchased a Scott 350 tube tuner that has not arrived.
Thanks for your help. When the amp arrives, I'll post the results.
Thanks for your response. I actually have the MMG's and I love them. My room is about the same size as yours, and on the bright side. I only listen at moderate levels to classical and jazz and occassionally to classic rock.I am currently driving the MMG's with a NAD 50 watt receiver with surprisingly good results. My intention is to pass the receiver on to my daughter as I upgrade.
I have purchased the Scott 222c but it has not arrived. It's been "moded" by Mapleshade so it does reportedly put out 25 watts.
I also have a mid price NAD CD player which I'll pass on to my daughter, a Furman Elite 20 power conditioner, A PSB sub (also going to my daughter) that will be upgraded to a REL T-2 sub. Audioquest Bedrock speaker cables , and Blue Racer interconects complete the system. I have also purchased a Scott 350 tube tuner that has not arrived.
Thanks for your help. When the amp arrives, I'll post the results.