@russ69 If a few feet is 5 or 6 feet, you got it right, otherwise there is more to get from your Magnepans..
I certainly don’t dispute that. What I’m saying is that folks don’t need to think a dedicated space with them way out into the room is the only option in order to enjoy them. In fact, they can be pushed all the way back against the wall and just fill the room with music while enjoying coffee, in the kitchen, etc. Then they are easy enough to move into a marked spot, if you want to do that sort of listening - you can just grab either side and skooch them to wherever you want them without even thinking about it. They aren’t unwieldy beasts. In fact, they are easier to move than my Merlin VSM speakers. Those are 85lbs of awkward, dead weight that have to be picked straight up and placed straight back down on feet / spikes. One other thing I’ve come to realize after actually living with them... as for space, yep the Maggies are tall. So what? I’ve got airspace to give... not using it. They occupy the same spot on the floor that my Merlins did, and that’s the issue for me - square footage. Yes, they are wider, but I didn’t have stuff right next to the Merlins either.
When you actually own a pair of Maggies, at least in my experience, you realize how easy they are to live with. Mine are in a large great room that flows into a large kitchen. I wondered about living with the 3.7i before setting up and now realize that was a non-issue.