Magnepan durability

After all these years, I'm finally going to be allowed by my better half to replace my Vandersteen 1C speakers this spring (or whenever I sell my current speakers and one of my bikes). My shortlist includes Vandersteen 2CE Sig II's and the Magnepan 1.7. My question is: how durable are the Magnepans? I have a playful toddler. Is a little hand bumping into the grill cloth going to damage it since the drivers are directly behind them? The Vandersteens are about as toddler proof as one could hope for since the drivers are several inches behind the cloth. Are Magnepans an expensive accident waiting to happen?
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Well, if you choose the 2CE, you won't have to change your moniker to Magnastephen. ;)
Thank you both for the responses.
Mt10425, the thought of that has only caused me minor stress. My solution is to add a Vandersteen 2wq sub and that would allow me to keep my current moniker.
"I'm finally going to be allowed by my better half to replace my Vandersteen 1C speakers"

You have bigger issues than what speakers to buy.....
