Magnetization & Demagnetization any conclusions?

Does the furutech improve sound? Does a record have the potential to become magnetized- and how easily??
I am planning on adding magnets to the bottom of my platter and the top of my plinth to take some weight off of the bearing. Then it occured to me, am I going to start introducing a magnetic charge to my records and cartridge?
Anyone have an idea how far is safe for a magnet to be before it starts to influence other materials? At this point I have 4 3/4 between the magnet and the record.
It is certainly possible to magnetize a record. That's why de-magnetizers like the Furutech and Walker Talisman work so well (and they do). I'm speaking from daily experience, not just what I think.

Putting strong magnets that close to records or expensive cartridges risks magnifying the former or - much worse - demagnifying the latter.

If your TT bearing can't handle the weight of the platter without wear or audible bearing noise, don't risk the health of your cartridges or the sound quality of your records. Buy a better turntable.
Doug, What do you hear that's different or better when you de-magnetize an LP? How often do you de-magnetize a given LP? I am fascinated by this subject.
How do you magnetize a vinyl record? Static electricity I understand but as far as I know there are no magnetizable elements in vinyl.
I'd be a bit careful about proclaiming the demag of LP's as universally good.I don't know about the Talisman,but though the Furutech did improve some of the LP's we played at a friend(who owns one),it definitely made some discs sound a bit bright to me(only to my own particular tastes).This is a very interesting subject,yet I believe the wealth of acessories available,before we actually spin a disc,is becoming a bit much,BUT I readily admit to being lazy.
A good dry brush,and a decent wet cleaning machine(costing less than my arm or cartridge,hopefully)is all I need! -:)
The Walker Audio Talisman is in use here. Both on my system and on the systems of some other audio friends, I hear pretty consistent and repeatable improvements when the Talisman is used: greater clarity through the midrange particularly noticeable in the harmonic overtones on strings, blacker backgrounds, often a top end that sounds more extended and pure, better delineation of a broader, deeper and more layered soundstage. The difference is subtle, but very defintely audible and repeatable across four different audio systems.