Magnetization & Demagnetization any conclusions?

Does the furutech improve sound? Does a record have the potential to become magnetized- and how easily??
I am planning on adding magnets to the bottom of my platter and the top of my plinth to take some weight off of the bearing. Then it occured to me, am I going to start introducing a magnetic charge to my records and cartridge?
Anyone have an idea how far is safe for a magnet to be before it starts to influence other materials? At this point I have 4 3/4 between the magnet and the record.
How about the possibility of placing some kind of wand,or attachment to a record cleaning machine(easy DIY project)that can kill two birds with one stone(glue a Talisman,or magnets,or whatever)?Any thoughts?I'd love this,as I believe there is too much "tweakery" between LP play already!Of course that is just my own lazyness!!

For a demagnetizer to work it must start close to the LP and be moved away slowwwly. Holding it at a constant distance wouldn't accomplish anything, and removing it quickly would actually re-magnetize and make things worse.

De-magnetizing the motor inside your RCM might not be a good idea either. ;-)

As I said before, in our setup it really takes zero time. I demag multiple LP's during a cleaning session while one is on the RCM soaking. No music time lost at all.
A mutual friend of both myself,and my pal with the Furutech demag unit,has thrown a fly into the equation.He ststes that since my Furutech demag pal has so much static(all year round),the improvements of using the device could also be reducing static.Hence,better sound.Personally,I have absolutely no idea as to what's what!
One thing I must state,is my own dedicated room has 24/7 50 % humidity,at all times.I have not ever had a hint of a pop,or tick(thank God).
Friend #2 is a very suspicious guy(one reason for my past poor behavior/posts,partly from conditioning in a REALLY critical club/sorry for the umpteenth time....well my own fault,actually,no passing of the buck....but I tried-:).I have asked him to speak with a fellow hobbyist/reviewer,who is very "in the circle" of these things(yet I am positive the posters,here,are correct in what they hear as improvements).
My ONLY concern,as it applies to me,is that reading the Walker Web pages,about the "demag effect" of the Talisman(I am now aware of better active products,but the "demag" effect is gained,though to a lesser degree, here),it clearly states(in the given reviews)that it "also" de-statics the LP(or CD,or whatever)as well.
I want to make sure that it is NOT the de-static aspect,that is being heard by the folks here,or my friend,as an improvement,thinking it may be demagnification.
You all know better than me,but it can't hurt to delve farther,for myself.
Sirspeedy, I will be interested to hear more about your journey exploring all of this. Thanks for the continuing update about your thinking.
Rushton,please understand that I am ONLY "scoping out" thoughts,and feedback from experienced folks lurking here.I will not be able to add anything of substance,IMO!
I am simply intrigued by this new tweak.If it turns up anything that can better my already extremely satisfying pleasure of my own system,then all the better.I am trying to figure out(and I'm sure there will be my own rationalized spin,to satisfy my personal decision)if I really need to look into this further,in my particular listening environment.
Sadly,and honestly I am SO missing the pleasure of spinning my LP's(since I am still awaiting my new Graham Phantom)that I "think" my CD sound is getting really good.
Hmm!!!I must be halucinating,a bit,at least.
Yet,my latest 2 CD's of Annie DeFranco("Canon"),and Jazz At Preservation Hall("Shake That Thing")are SO well recorded that maybe I can rationalize for another few weeks.We'll see.