Magnus Ma 300 how good is it?

The Magnus Ma 300 has got a fantastic review from enjoythemusic. It is supposed to compete with amps up to usd 50000,- All what is sayd in the test makes it so attratactive; so anyone who know it and could describe how good it is compared to other amps; re Lamm, Boulder, Soulution, Spectral....
No doubt its one of the best solid state amps available at any price. The chassis alone cost almost $2500. Magnus is built in the USA by Canary Audio. Most products are sold overseas. I am hoping to sell more in the states if this economy ever improves. I have sold these to experienced, serious audiophiles with positive results. After selling several Canary products to Wayne Zufall(Enjoy the Music)he expressed interest in the Magnus which he later reviewed.
A couple of my customers replaced their more expensive amps with the Magnus. The smaller MA200 is also a fine sounding amp and reasonably priced at $4995

Joe Martelli/JM Sound/"jms"
I dont think it comes as monoblock.
But why; it has more than enough power and is dead quiet through the speakers.
Fine as my Lamm 1.2 refs are, the Magnus Ma-300 envolves you more into the details and have even better controll over the music; i really cant say i have heard any better; knowing many top amps from ML, Krell, Lamm, Burmester, Dartzel +
But why; it has more than enough power and is dead quiet through the speakers
1. More shipping options < 150#
2. Eventhough I'm a body builder and in good physical condition, it's a 2 men job in moving amps > 125#. If it's a barbell, I can lift 300#+ :-)
3. I have a large room and with monos, I can run shorter SCs

I put it on a rug and dragged it in the box down the stairs, i also managed to dip it out of the box but it was a hell of a job! so i see your point!!!

But it plays so good, i change my set up from mono to stereo and buy new longer speaker cables..........