Manley snapper vs Atma-sphere M60

Trying to figure out the best way to go between these 2 amps.  They'll be lighting up Tannoy Kensingtons.  I play mostly rock on CD's.

Any thoughts/comments......thanks.
According to the tannoy manual nominal impedance is 8 ohms, minimum impedance is 5.5 ohms.
The choice of music isn't going to make any difference - the amps and speakers really don't care about that, and there really isn't any way to design an amplifier to play rock better than classical or vice versa.

Now bandwidth of the amplifiers might make a difference. The M-60s are full power down to 2 Hz. This is to prevent phase shift in the bass region, which can in turn cause a loss of bass impact. The Kensington is a benign load for either amp.
Thanks to Ralph for being a real gentleman here.  He replies to simply report relevant information without attempting a big sales push.

That is unlike a dealer commenting over at Speakers who continues to push the OP to come to their store.  If like Ralph, they could simply state what they see as positives in some of the products they sell.  But my sense is they continue to post, using the Forum as a sales tool.
For the Tannoys you may need only the Atma-Sphere S-30. And if you happen to see a used Music Reference RM-10 for sale first, consider it. 35w/ch, 25 if wired for Class A.