Manufacturers don't get it. make tubes visible.

After all of this time, why don't manufacturers get it? Everyone I talk to who owns tube gear wants to see, at the very least, the power tubes while the gear is operational. Many want to see the preamp tubes as well. So why do so many great manufacturers still bury the tubes inside of the gear? Are they afraid we will electrocute ourselves? And, if this is true, who is going to miss a few deranged audiophiles anyway, not to mention their wayward offspring and badly trained pets? Interestingly, large transmitting tubes which pose, by far, the greatest danger, are almost always out in the wind.
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11-27-07: Tvad
Rhljazz's VAC Phi 110/110 amp is the Halle Berry of tube amps. Easy on the eyes.

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The PHI series is more like Rosie O'Donnell to me.....butt ugly.

As far as the VAC current line goes, I think the Standard Musicbloc 160's are the easiest on the eyes. The 160's look like home stereo equipment to me, where the PHI series look like they were built for someone living in a laboratory. Sorry Kevin.

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I love the glow of my tubes and the look of two mono blocks with there tubes proudly displayed, not mention the real reason... the sound.
I do agree some of the amps are ugly.

No lava lamp for me !