Mapletree Audio versus Decware preamps

Has anyone been able to compare these two low-cost, tube preamps? They seem to be desinged by folks that know what they are doing.
Rolled in RCA 12SN7s and 6X5s - The more time I spend with the 2A SE, the more appreciate what a fine sounding piece of gear it is. Not sure how the Mapletree might compare with the Decware - but I suggest you A/B this piece with much more expensive stuff, see what you think - I'm enjoying my system every bit as much with this preamp in my system - I don't know, maybe I'm just getting less critical as I simply sit back and enjoy the music.
I know this thread is old and may not mean anything at this point. I have owned a couple of Mapletree Pre-amps. They are great. I currently own the Decware Phono ZP3 and integrated Amp. If you are going digital you can go either way and be satisfied. I personally will lean a little to Mapletree. If you are doing LP's then Decware all the way. Keep in mind I do not own the Decware Line level pre amp. Just the integrated and Phono.
Perhaps others to consider in this grouping would be the Transcendent Sound and Van Alstine Line Stages - seems these 4 companies offer quite a bit of bang for the buck.
Pubul57, it doesn't look like the Mapletree is in your system any longer. What prompted the change? I can't tell from your system edits. Thanks.
Made the commitment to passives (Lightspeed Attenuator) in the system I was using the Mapletree; but I am actually thinking of buying it again as I do miss putting it into the mix.