

anyone here using a Marantz SACD player? Specifically, the special or limited editions?
I have a SA-IIS2 and want to replace the fuses. I removed the three screw from the back but the cover will not budge. Any tips on removing the cover?
Also, what are the fuses sizes, has to be one of the following I guess:
5 x 20mm/0.2" x 0.75”
6.3 x 32mm/0.25" x 1.25”
6.4 x 25mm/0.25" x 0.98”

Hi, you will need to get a fine flat head screwdriver and pry the top back (the top is also the sides). Looking down at the top, there is a lip at the front where the top butts up against the front face. Put some cheesecloth or other material around the tip of the screwdriver so not to scratch anything - put the tool in the tiny gap and twist the screwdriver a little at a time and you will see the case move backwards. Once you see this you should be able to slowly work the case backwards to remove it. It's easy once you get where you need to put the screwdriver. I had same problem with mine. I would love pics on where the power fuse is to replace it with a Synergistic or whatever. 

Finally, the cover is off. Facing from the back fuses are on the right side. near the copper cylinder.

Size for all the fuses are 5 x 20mm/0.2" x 0.75”are