Marantz 8300 SACD/DVD AUDIO

The reviews were great. Does anyone have any first hand feedback on this universal player? I am looking for a universal player,any opinions?
I looked at the Elite 47ai, Intregra 8.3 and bought the DV8300. I found out from a marantz rep that the video section is pioneer and after listening to all three (at differnt dealers) with my cables, grado headphone amp and headphones the marantz was the most musical and detailed.
The integra was close but after a bit of warming up the marantz came all too clear.
your marantz experience was quite different from mine. I thought the dv8300 lacked transparency
the video on the dv47ai IS a killer
I bought the 8300 about four months ago and have been thoroughly pleased with its audio performance, so much so that I sold my Linn Genki CD player. I've tried both DVD-A and SACD. Could be my imagination, but I think it works with DVD-A better than SACD. I couldn't argue with Subdoofus about the video - my tv just isn't up to the test.