Matching preamp to amp

This probably has been discussed before, but I am wandering how
important it is to match the sensitivity of the amp to the output of
the preamp when choosing new equipment.
I am using a CAT preamp which has about 7volts of output and want to
drive my ARC d70 tube amp, which apparently needs only 0.95 volt for rated
output! What can i expect and is there anything one can do to better match outputs/inputs when this type of inequity applies?
Daveyf, Read your question again then read my response. The CAT has the same output as Audio Research preamps that matches your D-70. Actually the ARC SP-8 is a matching preamp for your D-70 and has a maximum output of 60 volts, but you won't be using the 60 volts you will be attenuating your source.

Did you try the CAT and D-70? Maybe you should try it and let us know what happens.
Thanks Rrog, I haven't yet tried the CAT/ARC combo, but should be able to next
week.I will post as to the results.My current setup of CAT/Jeff Rowland model 8 works very well together, although I can set the input impedance on the model 8 to accommodate the CAT.

BTW, Marakanetz I agree that the CAT rules..:0)
After having listened to many preamps, both ss and tube, the CAT is here
to stay.
Well guys, I hooked up the ARC today and it worked very well with the CAT.
Unfortunately after about 20 minutes there was a VERY loud cracking sound
and i think one of the tubes ARC'ed ( pun intended).( Luckily I managed to mute the output before it blew my speakers...whew!) At first, I thought it could have been a bad cap, but my tech seems to think it was a tube gone bad..:0(
Oh well, back to the drawing board...
Any ideas as to the problem?