Besides the FeSi-1002, the differences in the filtering are also in the Venom Noise Filters. According to the specifications on the Shunyata's product page: Model 2 uses a 4 element Venon Noise Filter, while Model 4 uses 7, Model 6 uses 10, and Model 8 uses 16. Whether these differences in filtration are reflected in Clement Perry's subjective experiences, is an open question to my knowledge
My current view is that if I get the Hydra 8, then I will plug in all my major components into it in the manner I described previously. However, I liked Sean's suggestion on the other thread for inserting parallel line filters at each of the outlets feeding the amps. If that turns out to be a viable solution, then using Hydra 8 for APL only is wasteful, but , probably more optimal.
Besides the FeSi-1002, the differences in the filtering are also in the Venom Noise Filters. According to the specifications on the Shunyata's product page: Model 2 uses a 4 element Venon Noise Filter, while Model 4 uses 7, Model 6 uses 10, and Model 8 uses 16. Whether these differences in filtration are reflected in Clement Perry's subjective experiences, is an open question to my knowledge
My current view is that if I get the Hydra 8, then I will plug in all my major components into it in the manner I described previously. However, I liked Sean's suggestion on the other thread for inserting parallel line filters at each of the outlets feeding the amps. If that turns out to be a viable solution, then using Hydra 8 for APL only is wasteful, but , probably more optimal.