Maybe Get a New Electrical Panel

My house was built in 65 and the electrical panel is at least 15 years old. There is a deal through a company offering a new electrical panel with whole house surge protection for $949, the regular price is $2495. I'm thinking of getting a panel for several reasons: the whole house surge protection, the cost savings on the work, improvement in the quality of the AC in the house for my system, our lights dim even when turning on something like an iron to iron clothes and finally, it could save a little money on the electric bill.

Your thoughts? If I do this, any tips on the kind of panel to get or to pass on? I saw here that a Square D panel with copper buss is preferred over one with aluminum buss?
To put the cost in perspective, I have been quoted between 1500 and 2000 for a new panel. My old one has aluminum bars which are corroding and the breakers are obsolete and hard to find. This is Florida and I believe a permit is required from the county. I know this job takes time and involves a service from Fla Power and Light, but do the parts really cost that much? I see breakers for $4.00 at home depot. Other than that it's just a box and buss bars. Pardon my ignorance if I am missing something here.
Anyone out there have an opinion on whether the Surge Protector is good or bad?
The material cost probably comes from the surge protector. I'm pretty sure the protection is installed before the panel, so you probably have a somewhat permanent problem if you don't like what it does to your sound.

Not sure what the surge protection does to improve your AC if it's not conditioning. Definitely, a worthwhile endeavor to fully investigate this system before leaping.
Thanks for the feedback from all of you. All things considrered, I will likely not go this route.
You can get a quality "value" pack (w/30a/50a and 20a breakers inc.) for around $120 @ HD. Homeline or GE. Top of the line Homeline "QO" panel box around $180. So, for just a panel change out $900- 1000 is fair. Are you out of circuits (spaces) in your panel box? How many amps is your old panel box? Not sure about whole home surge protection, but GE makes a product which fits in your panel box. around $60. How well it protects I do not know. I'd ask the company doing the work a few questions and then decide. Your lights are dimming b/c your iron is on the same circuit. You'll need more circuit runs which will require additional work. If you install a new 200amp panel box you'll have up to 40 circuits. Good Luck

The Square D Homeline was designed to compete with the likes of GE and ITE. Load center panel with cheap aluminum bus.

The Square D QO load center on the other hand is a good load center panel with plated copper bus. The QO breakers are also good quality breakers.

As for the HD pricing surely you would not expect an electrical contractor to send an employee to HD to buy the panel and breakers and then only charge the customer the actual HD cost.


Materials alone would cost more than $949.00
05-15-12: Jea48

It is possible to buy a load center with aluminum bus, breakers, and a whole house Surge Protection Device for under $300.00..... Quality of ??

If an electrical permit will be pulled add the cost of the permit.

Good chance the AHJ will require AFCI, (arc fault breakers), for the 120V 15 amp branch circuits that feed the bedrooms. (NEC 2002)
An AFCI costs around $42.00 each at HD.

The AHJ may not have adopted the NEC 2008 code change for additional AFCI protection required for other 120V 15 and 20 amp branch circuits.

Good chance the electrical service Grounding Electrode System will need to be updated to meet current code as well as the power company's grounding requirements for lightning protection.
Add material and labor costs + markup.

The wire from the meter socket to the new panel may not be long enough to terminate on the main breaker lugs and the neutral bus lug.
Unless you specify otherwise the contractor will have his electrician install aluminum wire.
Add material and labor + markup.

There is a deal through a company offering a new electrical panel with whole house surge protection for $949, the regular price is $2495.