MC Load Resistance

I am using a Denon DL-S1 Moving Coil cartridge with a VPI Scout turntable. The spec for the cartridge recommends a Load Resistance of 100 ohms, but the test data sheet included with the cartridge showed that they tested it with Load Resistance of 47K ohms. Question is, do you think it is ok to set the phono amp at 47K ohms for this cartridge?
Thanks for your reply.
I am using a Modwright phono stage, I set the switches on it to 100 ohms first with the Denon S1, and it sounds good but a bit on the thin side with much less bass than when I set the switches to 47K ohms. At that setting the system sounds louder and the bass is deep, and the highs sounds good also. I did this test with the volume at the same setting. I will do some more experiment with the phono stage set to different load setting to hear the result.
I have found that the lower the setting, the thinner and lifeless the sound gets. Too high of a load and the sound is bright and brittle with too much edge detail. It will not hurt anything to try different settings. Let your ears tell you what is right in your system.
beware that the audio level will probably change going from a low load to very high, so sometimes louder sounds better, be sure to compensate the volume setting to be sure.
Dear W8aaz: You are spot-on on the subject, especialy when you go from 100 Ohms to 47K!

regards and enjoy the music,
That reminds me, when someone listens to his System with a dull cable and asks for something better, that there will be an advice from a friendly "supporter":
"Buddy, turn the volume up"
and the answer will be:
"Great idea. Thank you"
Having no idea isn't the solution