MC Phono preamp gains

If an MC phono preamp supports 45dB to 70dB, then would it work just like MM phono preamp if its gain is set at 45dB?
If that's the case, those phono preamps which support both MM and MC can essentially work as two MM inputs, right?

I am looking for a phono preamp that supports two MM inputs. I already have an SUT for my MC cartridges, so an MC input is not needed, but there exits very few phono preamps which support two MM inputs. So, I wonder if I can use those phono preamps that support both MM and MC as two MM input phono by setting the MC gain to the lowest (45dB).
Thanks for your response. I will check for the impedance.
As for Aesthetix Rhea, all three inputs can be either MM or MC? Then, it would be an ideal phono preamp for me, except it is out of my budget at the moment.
Here's the Rhea's spec:
Gain settings (dB): 75, 68, 62, 56, 50, 44, 38, Off. Loading settings (ohms): 47k, 10k, 5k, 2.5k, 1k, 500, 250, 125, 75

So, virtually any combination is possible for all three inputs? Like, having all three as MMs, all three as MCs with different gains and loads, and mix of MMs and MCs?
^^ only if the phono stage is unstable. Loading of LOMC cartridges is all about the phono section and makes no difference to the cartridge other than reducing its output. The problem is that some phono sections act out a bit when presented with ultrasonic or RF energy caused by the resonance of the cartridge inductance with the capacitance of the tone arm cable (which is why loading seems to help). If the phono section is stable with this energy, you will not hear any effects from LOMC cartridge loading.