McCormack Amp Upgrades

Looking for comments on McCormack amp upgrades, either done by McCormack or other modifiers. I'm getting a DNA-1 shortly (stock) and am looking for a cost effective upgrade. SMc offers silver, gold, and platinum upgrades. Would appreciate any comments regarding upgrades they got and the difference in sound. Spending as much (or more) on upgrades as the amp cost is significant, and when you look at the total investment you could move up to a more expensive/newer amp. Hope to hear a noticeable difference when spending $900 or more on upgrades. You can reach a point of diminishing returns when spending this much or more on upgrades, as you sit in your chair and try to convince yourself that you are hearing something better. What have you tried or heard? Do you think it is worth spending $900 to $2000+ in upgrades for this amp? Or should I use for a while, then move up to a stock DNA-225 or something else like a Pass Labs X150 or X250? Speakers are VS-4.5. Thanks for your comments and opinions.
enjoy it for a while, then move up to another amp. Another way of trying out an upgraded McCormack amp is to find one used. You rarely recover even 1/2 of the money spent on upgrades when you sell the amp. See if you can find a used upgraded DNA1 or DNA-225. Once in a while they would pop up. This would be the more economical and rational way to go about it.

I moved from SMc Gold + upgraded DNA-225 to Pass Labs X250.5 and glad I did. Pass Labs amp is in another league.
I've seen "my" upgraded 225 on audiogon few times already. It's fun to watch it move around.
I have 2 DNA-1 amps mono block. Bought them used but they were not up to the platinum level. They are now with the Plitron transformers. I like Nelson Pass amps and pre amps. Have owned and heard some of his products. The Platinum DNA-1s are the finest amps I have owned. My system is in dedicated room. Source is vinyl, ARC PH3-SE modded by Steve Huntley, ARC LS-12 line stage, Essence 10A speakers. The bass is incredible. pipe organ is solid and rich like a pipe organ. The back of the stage does not have fake depth where the tonality is weak. The depth is there with energy like it should be. Dynamics are great micro and macro. I am running them balanced. They are so very quiet. Give Steve or Kris a call. They are both very easy to talk with.Hope this helps.
I would just try to get your hands on a used DNA-500. It already has most of the upgrades to the lower models built in. Its a great amp and will really make your VS speakers sing.