McCormack DNA 125

Hi, I am about to get a McCormack DNA 125 amp in stock form. I have heard different bias on modding this model. Right now I have a BK ST2140 powering a pair of Paradigm Mini Monitor v3. What is your opinion on this amp? Thanks

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In general, I agree totally with @audphile1 but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a modded DNA-125 or 225 come up for sale.  I’m on the other side where I don’t care how much the mods cost cause I’m keeping the amp forever.  I’d say either buy a fully modded used amp if you can find one.  If you’re more of a taste tester try and find a used stock amp and if you really love the sound and wanna take it to near SOTA levels on the relative cheap go for the mods.  That was my route.  

Hey @gdnrbob who are you?  Were you part of the CJ/McCormack partnership?   Either way  I’d love to pick your brain as I’ve currently got an old 0.5 RevA in for full upgrades.  I almost think this deserves its own ongoing discussion thread as there are so many of us DNA owners out there.  Thoughts?

@slaw Never. I’ve never seen a modded 125 or 225 ever for sale.  Frankly, I rarely see any 125 or 225 for sale so if you see one, grab it.  That’s just my opinion.  

For what it's worth, I'm a big fan of McCormack amp topology, although, I've never owned one or heard one. I have however "borrowed" Steve M.'s concept of using PS caps really close to the output fets with great success in modifying amps....It would be important to know if the 125 was used regularly. Electrolytics don't do well without sitting without juice.