McCormack DNA1 options

I own a McCormack DNA1 and a TCL-1 preamp and Merlin TMS-SE monitors[which I really like].

While I have been very pleased with this combo I do find
it, at times, a tad forwards, somewhat grainy, and harsh/tizzy esp. at the higher frequencies.

I listen to a wide range of music, esp acoustic and vocals.
I'm in a position to upgrade and I was wondering how best to invest.

A) Get the DNA1 upgraded
B) Purchase a tube preamp
C) other ?

Thanks for your input
I matched my DNA 2 with an Atmasphere mp 3 pre amp and the results have been astounding compared to my previous line stage and the 7 other auditioned pre amps. If you have a dealer near by give it a listen.

Check your power. I have a DNA-2 with a digital front end. I noticed some of the characteristics that your describe before I went in and put in decient power conditioning.
Not sure if the DNA-225 I have will compare in combination with preamps in the same fashion as your 0.5 Deluxe, but I can tell you that the DNA-225 paired with a Kora Eclipse (Siemens goldpin tubes) produces absolute "blackness". Might be worth an audition for you.
i have a dna1 that i used to run direct from a variable output dac. sound was very transparent, but overall thin. i then added a ai modulus l1 and it added mucho body and dynamics with no hiss. i've heard that the modulus line of preamps are a good synergistic match with dna amps. you might want to give one a try. harry
I experienced the same problem when I auditioned an ARC LS16 tube pre in my system. (DNA-1 dlx/Maggie 3.6/R´s)