McIntosh MA 6500

Anyone know about this integrated? Better yet, anyone know where I can find some reviews on this piece? Thanks.
The System is:

McIntosh MA6900 Amp/Pre
Rotel RCD-1072 CD Player
2005 Klipschorn Speakers
High Quality IC and Speaker Cables

The only thing I took off the system was the Rotel RB-1080 amp and Rotel RC-1090 PreAmp, and added the McIntosh MA6900.

I think the sound is too refined in a way that I don't hear echos in certain passes like before as if filtered out for a smoother presentation, less dynamic than before, smoother highs but at cost
of dynamic impact. Detail throughout about the same. I'm wondering if this will change
with more break-in time? I thought I would hear more of a difference than this???? The vocals about the same but without echos as noticable when singer's voice echos in the accoustics of the room that is recreated on the Klipschorns. Does the McIntosh need more break-in or might I have a defective one?? The McIntosh dealer assured me I would hear more detail but I'm not, it's about the same but the McIntosh seems to slightly filter out some detail, like echos and such for in favor of a refined smooth that might be the cost of doing this? It's been confusing and stressful for me, and the Rotel has a wider soundstage while the McIntosh is more stuck right in the middle and not bringing the sounds past that point. I also tried it on my Klipsch RF-3 speakers with same results.
Not sure what to do at this point. Wondering if I made the right move now. :(

Anyone have any good suggestions where I should go from here?? Thanks.
Hmm, well play with the EQ, up the midband a bit, and the treble if you feel it is too restricted now, thatÂ’s why they have the controls.
Contrary to Undertow, I don't think the tone controls should be the solution, the amp should sound fine on its own.

Have you talked with the dealer that you purchased the Mac from?
I would give your 6900 a chance to burn in over 100 hrs first, while the tonality does not change much after the first 40 or 50 hrs, they do tend to "open up" after 100hrs of burn-in in terms of soundstage and resolution. Also try different taps. I find on my 501 monoblocks the 8ohm tap is the more "musical" tap overall even though my speakers are rated at 4 ohms nominal.