McIntosh MC402

    The dealer I go to mentioned that lot of people love the McIntosh MC 402 over 452. I found a McIntosh MC402 which is 10 years old and it is very good condition. I liked the sound. I did not audition 452 yet.  The question is, Is McIntosh MC402 is really better than MC452 and what is the best price I can pay for a 10 year old AMP? Please advice. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xkarurravi
I owned the 402 several years ago. It's the only piece of McIntosh gear I ever owned. After owning some nice amps before the Mac, I felt the Mac was soft and bloated in the low end. It lacked punch and slam. I picked up a Pass X250.5 after that, and it was like night and day. The Pass kicked the Mac right out the door. I now use Class D amps, and don't miss the hot, heavy, power hungry beast amps at all.  
Ravi, Mac amps are built to last and have best in class customer service.  As far as what a 402 is worth that is for you to determine - what are willing to pay.

I have owned 501 mono's for close to 10 years, fortunately, my experience is nothing like spenceroo's.
I too, owned the Mac 402 for several years. It was a decent serviceable performer ( paired with a SS Mac pre) during that time. But quite by accident I was in need of smaller more compact amplification. I tried out a Rogue Pharaoh class D integrated hybrid in hope of it being comparable sonically to the Mac. What really floored me was the Rogue wasn't just a little better, but a whole LOT better. I never looked back and at one third the price of the Mac gear, it was a no-brainer to me. IMHO
Please see these 2 web sites for used Mcintosh pricing:

i owned the MA6900 Integrated amplifier
and did not like it.  For me, the music was dark, closed in not natural and I sold it. 

If possible, I suggest you audition both the MC402 and MC452 Amps before you buy.  

I also suggest you look st Ayre Acoustics power amplifiers (or integrated) before making your decision.  You might also review the Class D amplifier posts on Audiogon.