MDF or Plywood for best sound in Hi-Fi rack ?

I need to make to more shelves for my rack. One for my CD and one for the preamp. I use Vibrapods under each unit. Is MDF or plywood better for sound quality or vibration control? Thanks
I would go for plywood !! Look here: []
Maple butcher blocks are quite a bit better than both MDF and plywood. Have a look at this thread -

I sourced my butcher blocks form Tony’s Woodshop in PA. He was quite a bit cheaper than all the other suppliers I tried.


BTW, I am not affiliated with Tony in any way.
In my view the jury is still out on Maple butcherblock vs plywood, for the simple reason that I have not yet seen the results of any in depth experimentation with high quality plywood. There are some very interesting plywoods out there. For example, Finnish company UPM-Kymmene makes an extremely high grade Finnish Birch (not generic Baltic) product. The mechanically most stable type is the one rated for exterior, which can be recognize by the presence of thin black lines of glue between the layers of veneer. The thickest sheets normally imported in the US are 1 and 1/8 inch thick, but 2 inch thick sheets can be potentially sourced from the manufacturer in Finland. Blocks of the material are so stable that they can be precision machined and carved for prototyping of mechanical parts by tool&Die designers. I have experimentally worked on some samples. Progressive power sanding down to approx 3200 grit yields a highly polished seemless surface both on face and edge.

If I recall correctly, a 4ft x 8ft sheet of the max thickness costs $120. Such a sheet is made from 20 layers of extremely hard Finnish Birch veneer. Conversely, the same thickness sheets classified as Baltic Birch is made from approx 12 layers.

Constructing shelves or platforms by gluing 2 or three layers of such UPM Finnish material is likely to yield an amazingly stable surface, likely devoid of resonance at audible frequencies. Whether such a shelf is inferior or superior to a similarly thick maple butcherblock unit has of course to be demonstrated. It is worth pointing out that one of the reasons that Maple is used in platforms and shelvings is the romantic notion of its inherent musicality, as it is almost universally the choice material from which the solid wood back of the best violins, violas and cellos are constructed. However, in a musical instrument, the back is part of a mechanical sound amplifier, in which the wood needs to vibrate to generate music. Not so in our isolation platforms, which we want largely to sound as dead as doornails.

UPM Finnish plywood can be sourced in the US from

Plywood & Doors
866. 738. 7265
Speak to Rod.

Please note that minimum order is $300, which means 3 sheets. From three sheets you can build a sizeable number of shelves and platforms.
Guidocorona - “Not so in our isolation platforms, which we want largely to sound as dead as doornails.”

I cannot possibly disagree with you more.

Over a number of years, I have built a number of composite platforms to be as acousticly “dead as doornails” only to find that when placed under my turntables, the sound also becomes dead and lifeless. I used materials such as MDF, ply, aluminum, plexiglass and cork and got a few to be totally quiet even when rapped with a knuckle. The more dead the platform, the more dead the sound.

The plywood platforms I have tried (composite or no) have all produced a very vague thin sound.

Placed and a solid maple platform the sound is much more natural, detailed and lively. To my ears, no contest. I cannot explain why that is, but I surmise it is due to the fact that trees (and consequently the wood) evolved over millennia to withstand whatever nature threw at it, and now very capable of dealing with vibration and resonances. Maple seems especially capable of dealing with resonances within the audio frequency range.

I think your postulation as the maple acting as a “mechanical amplifier” in violins and as such not suitable for audio somewhat misplaced. While maple is used for the instruments you mention, I have yet to hear a more natural presentation from my turntable on maple than any other platform regardless of material.


BTW, if you do have a 18”x 15” of the plywood available, I would love to try it. I am not holding breath it will be better, but if I am wrong that would hardly be a bad thing for me.