Meadowlark Swift vs. Soliloquy vs. Concertinos

I need help picking between these three speakers. I am using an audio refinement complete integrated amp with a cambridge audio dvd player with all analysis plus cables. I have listened to the Swifts and Concertinos and like them both very much. I have also tried the Triangle Zephyr XS's but they seem a little too forward (analytical). I have not heard the Soliloquys but have read some good things and they are the cheapest of the speakers i have been looking at. I listen to a lot of acoustics and vocals. If anyone has some advice it would be greatly appreciated.
This htread is a bit old but I see a recent response! I have auditioned the concertinos and Soliloquy stuff. I have never heard the meadowlark line unfortunately. The concertinos are a distant third in that line up. I would actually think that a comparison between the Soliloquy sat 5s vs the concertinos is more appropriate, and the sat 5s win there too IMHO. Smoother, mid, highs, and lows more accurately reproduced, even bass sounds better with the Solilquy SAt5s although not sure how. The 5.0s are a different class and are a much better value than Sonus Faber Concertinos.
I will have to differ with Rysa4 on the Concertinos. I owned a pair and still regret selling them as I have a small listening room and acheived a "magic" sound with them. The Meadowlarks are nice too and will give you more low end. Again, the concertinos when paired with the correct electronics and wire, are wonderful and just seem to get the pitch "right" with solid imaging and soundstaging.

I sold my Concertinos for a pair of Tyler Taylo Reference Monitors as an ugrade. Honestly, I missed the Sonus sound so much, I sold the Taylos and now own Sonus Faber Concerto Homes with the adjustable stands.

The Soliloquys in my oppinion are okay but miss the mark when it comes to the total package. If you buy the Concertinos, feel free to e-mail me as I have a few tricks on setting them up. Good Luck!

Thats a fair reply and thought. It is possible that the set up of the room and gear hindered the abilities of the concertinos during my audition. Frankly, I was expecting more based on what I read.

I still favor the Soliloquy line as a whole, but hey, thats what its all about. Lots of good speakers folks to choose from
Since my last post ,I have listened to the Concertinos. I think they a terrific speakers.But from all that I've heard the Soliloquys are still the better value and give up nothing in performance out of the 3 makers listed.The Sonus Fabers are beautiful speakers but over priced IMHO.