Meitner i upgrades

New i upgrades are available for Meitner DACs. It’s an extensive upgrade requiring a trip back to the factory in Calgary, Ontario and dealers are facilitating the process. I should be getting a return authorization number soon to send in my MA3. Cost for the MA3 upgrade is $3500. I believe it will be a noticeable improvement for a not outrageous cost (by hi-end audio standards). Details are on the Meitner website.


Why have you decided to sell yours?

What about it do you feel is lacking?

What are you moving on to?

Best wishes,


I'm in queue for the upgrade or a swap through my dealer.  I am waiting for someone here to relate the difference in SQ between the two which will hopefully be an improvement.

Yeah, my dealer reached to me but doesn’t have much details beyond what has been published. While I’m sure it’s going to be an improvement, I’m hesitant to just spend $3,500 without anyone having heard an upgraded unit. 


I'm curious...

Why have you decided to sell yours?

What about it do you feel is lacking?

What are you moving on to?

Best wishes,
