Metal-base and non metal-base 5AR4/GZ34?

Sonically, what's the difference between the metal-base and non metal-base 5AR4/GZ34 rectifier tubes, Philips/Amperex or Mullard? Especially as they perform in the Modwright 9.0 SE preamp?
Hi Electroid

You weren't kidding about the metal base GZ34 tubes. Pricing started around $300 all the way up to $799 for a single tube. I'll pass on those metal base GZ34s. They cost more than the SET amp I got. Those Mullard GZ34 re-issues look like quite the bargain compared to those metal base GZ34 tubes I saw. Thanks for chiming in.
None of the re-issues will compare with a true Mullard(Blackburn Plant) GZ34, either in sonics or lifespan(metal base, or not).
If you listened to the real deal for decades, very unlikely you will find any "re-issue" worthy of listening to.
Wow Schubert and Rodman. Thanks for the feedback. I guess ignorance will be bliss for me. All I have is the Tung Sol Re-issue 5AR4 as the rectifier in my Tom McNally 6BQ5 SET amp and I'm happy with the sound. I won't ever know what I'm missing as I can't justify spending at least $400 on a metal base GZ34 and no one I know as one they can lend me. Whew am I relieved.
I suppose you missed the, "METAL BASE, or NOT," in my post. There are lots of bakelite base Mullard/Blackburns out there, for MUCH LESS than $400, any of which will outperform the reissues. Someone else just might happen to read this thread, that would appreciate the info. But, hey- as long as you're satisfied, HAPPY LISTENING! (