So, how important is it to be KING OF THE HILL? Does everyone have to agree with your choices 100% for you to be “content” with your choices?
Isn't it in human nature to want to be the best or have the best at all costs . . . and argue to infinity if someone dares to disagree with your impeccable choices? I mean, how dare anyone like something different than you or think their system is better than yours?
Where does the arguing lead to as far as solutions? After all, the manufacturers are always coming out with “the BEST” and after all these years of development and diminishing returns, the only thing that this hobby never reaches is the quo-essential BEST . . . or the price tag to go with it. There is a certain amount of snake oil here, as survival in profitability, in job security, etc. is dependent on achieving the next best whatever, before the next best whatever is achieved -- and EVERYONE lusts over it -- knowing full well that they just cannot afford “the BEST.”
But for those whose pockets can afford “the BEST” how do they know in this planned obsolete progression, when even at the time of purchase, their latest and greatest is already today's leftover? I think the ONLY absolute is that debate, arguing, and testosterone will continue to be the factor .. . and that “the BEST” will always be just enough out of reach to keep the hobby fresh, the consumer involved, and the manufacturers happy . . . AND BY THE WAY -- I have “the BEST” and Michael can eat his heart out in envy! Lol!