Micro Acoustics vs Grace F-9 MM's

Okay, any of you 80's analog "geezers" (like myself..) had an opportunity to compare the likes of the the re-known Grace F-9E, Ruby, or L, to the Micro Acoustic 2002 or 3002 ceramic MM's.

I have the MA 3002 and its a very enjoyable cart! A lot like the early Shures IMO.

We are so many years removed from the technology of that time of course, and Im not looking to replace my newer reference gear, but was curious of these two fine MM's in comparison to sound.

How would these cartridges compare to a Grado Reference Sonata.

Bob -- I have used an F9E Ruby for many years (which I'll probably have re-tipped by Soundsmith in the near future), and I recently purchased a high output Reference Sonata.

I haven't had time yet to evaluate the Grado with any thoroughness, but my initial impression is that the two cartridges are surprisingly similar.

To put that into context, I'll mention that my listening is mainly to classical music, and both cartridges are/were used on a 1980's SOTA Sapphire turntable with Magnepan Unitrac tonearm, both of which still work like new :).


-- Al
Thanks for making the comparison!

To the rest of the group how difficult is it to find an example of the MA 630?
really hard: I looked for 1.5 years or so. But then I knew where to get NOS stylus from. Now I all sources I aware of are depleted.