Mind over matter

First of all we have to accept the fact that there will always be a bigger fish than us.  Somebody’s system is going to sound better.  If we agonize over this fact of life we’ll never be happy with our setups.
There will always be gear imperfections that we may not like.  In the constant quest for better and better performance there has to come a time when we stop and say, for now, we’ve come as close as is feasible and be HAPPY.
 This is not written for those of you who have reached that point.  It’s written for those like me, who tend  to agonize.  I think I’ve reached the point now where I can relax ... and I wish the same for you.
For now!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano
Yeah, its rough, because without the critical listening technical nit-picking you can't build the music system, but then the same thing that enables the building disables the enjoyment. Audiophilia nervosa, we used to call it.

Eventually, my case anyway, always get to a point things sound so good I couldn't be critical even if I wanted to. Which truth be told, I don't. What I want is that splendid catharsis only music can bring. When really its the music that brings that feeling. Not the system. The music. So relax. Enjoy the music.
Agreed RV.

I had a great sounding system about 6 years ago that stayed constant for near 3 years.
Then I got the crazy idea that class D was the way to go and it has taken near 3 years and MANY changes to get back to a point where I can just sit back and enjoy the music.

Now admitted I will say the SQ of present system is far and away better than anything of old and is a real joy.

Of course there is much better out there but it's time to stop and smell the roses.

At least that is the plan ... Lol.
Hey, the early settlers did the same thing! A lot of them said, “Well, I’ve had enough of all this covered wagon crap, and wild injuns. I’m settling here, you guys go on ahead without me.” 🤗
I've followed a number of your recent threads so I am familiar with your particular journey.  You've assembled a wonderful system.  Congrats on being content.  It is something some will never achieve.