Mini Maggie Office System

Hello All - I'm waiting on delivery for a pair of mini maggies to setup in an office / near-field setup. I still need to get some electronics to go with this setup. I do know that Maggies enjoy quality amplification, and drink every spare watt they can get their hands on, but on the other hand, this is a near-field setup and won't be run too loud too often.

I'd be interested in experiences out there, since there hasn't been that much written out there that I can find about first hand experiences component matching the mini maggies, despite some glowing reviews.
The question is how much do yoiu want to spend on your electronics? The second major point is that if the first watt sounds terrible what good is 500 more of the same. The idea of course is to get high quality while knowing that Magnepans do see to perform well with good high wattage devices. There is no point in discussing possibilities without a budget.
Hi Sonance,

Just yesterday I was listening the Mini Maggie/subwoofer system and thought it was quite a treat. Even if your going to use it in a near-field setup, I still would recommend at least 80 to 100 watts of quality power to get them to sing. I heard them being driven by a Peachtree 80 watt intergrated, which was just enough to get them to perform wonderfully in a very small office setup. So, quality along with a good 100 watt amp with some current is still necessary even if they are the babies of the Magnapan family.
I heard them with a Peachtree too. Their electronics are certainly good enough to make the mini-maggies sound good. But I would go with the Marantz PM8004. That is just an incredibly clean, quiet, resolving, and musical integrated amp.

If you spend more than the Marantz, look into the Rogue Cronus or Rogue Cronus Magnum.