Mirage M7si bass bump how to deal with it?/

I have a pair of Mirage M7si speakers which are very good but have a bass bump that is hard to get rid of via the usual methods The speakers were reviewed in Stereophile and received very high marks but the reviewer had the same issue. Should I try stuffing the ports a little?? I know this helped with a pair of Polk LS 90s that were very bass heavy,. thanks
I am comparing the Mirage units to Def tech BP 20s and Infinity Kappa 7.1 series II (very impressive also)
"04-17-15: Onhwy61
If you really want to alter the frequency curve, then use an parametric equalizer.
Onhwy61 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Generally, I would prefer a different solution, but in your case, it may be the best way to go. Fooling with cables is no way to go about it. Something like a Behringer 24/96 digital eq should give you some good results. Since its digital, you can run it through a DAC for better SQ. The only other thing I can think of, besides an eq is to get a more powerful amp. The amps you list as tried are not the last word in power and control.
I owned these speakers M7si, and the M5si bigger version years back and they are nice sounding speakers for their time and price point. They are definitely NOT lacking bass regardless of placement or amplification. The upper bass is no doubt tipped up. Either deal with it or move on. They are no worth much money today anyway.
I sold my mint pair via Craigslist for $150 the pair and it took almost a month even at that price. Best of luck!!!
04-16-15: Geph0007
I must have not been very clear I did the usual things I worked in the audio biz and I know what to try and do.... I am trying to think outside the box a little.
Here's an outside the box thought I bet hasn't been tried: Turn the speakers completely around. As can be seen in Figure 4 of the Stereophile measurements the rear-firing driver provides reasonably flat frequency response from a bit over 100 Hz to well beyond 10 kHz. By firing that driver directly at the listening position, rather than at the wall behind the speakers, and firing the problematic woofer at that wall instead of directly at the listening position, it seems to me that you'll in effect have a completely different speaker, conceivably with a much flatter overall frequency response. And one whose bass response can be tuned somewhat by varying the distance between the speakers and the wall behind them.

-- Al