Mirage OMD-28?

I am considering buying these speakers having never heard them. No place around here to audition them.
I have auditioned the Mirage OM-9 several years ago and loved the
soundfield, but the vocal presentation left me wanting, too diffuse. I
wonder if these new models present a better vocal image? Also wonder how
these "Omni" speakers do with 5 channel super audio?
Please let me know if you have heard these speakers.
I think it depends what you want them for. IMO, they are great for home theater, especially with a projector and a big screen, as they offer a large soundstage (though dependent on your wall configuration). However, I would say they are only average for stereo; not bad by any mean, but one gets to wonder what the TAS folks were smoking (although this exaggeration is no different than their usual hyperbolic crap).

We have a pair of OMD-28 in our home theater and a pair of KEF Reference 205 in our stereo system. Sound-wise, the KEFs are in a different league (they also cost more, especially considering the current prices for Mirage OMDs). More detail, better midrange, better soundstage definition, and more balance overall. Nonetheless, in terms of looks, the situation changes 180 degrees. I used to think that the maple KEFs look great, but the Mirages in burled maple outclass them – no contest really. So if their role as furniture is important and you have to account for the WAF then they may be impossible to beat for what they sell for nowadays.

PS: we also have had Mirage OM-9s, as well as the Mirage’s first omniguide series (which were the last made in Canada, I believe); the OMDs are clearly better speakers than those but then, they cost substantially more, and even the Monitor Audio Silver Series that we had in the stereo system at that point in time (and were in the same price range) were also better for music.
Where I first positioned them, my OMDs had a narrow soundstage, and not the best detail, but bringing them out closer and spacing them wider made a world of difference for 2-channel music. That may be why I'm hearing so much more detail and clarity after 10 months of ownership.

I really like how timbrally right they sound, and how they are devoid of suckouts in the in-room power response.
Once I saw the great prices for these on the Web, I jumped and got a pair in of these speakers about 4 or 5 months ago along with the matching center and surrounds.

Quick note - the OMD-R surrounds are AMAZING. Great combination of localization and diffusion, and at current prices are a total steal.
The OMD-C2 I'm not really sold on. It seems too diffuse for me and I feel it's difficult to understand some voices.

Now onto the OMD-28's. The are not only placement sensitive as all the reviews say, but are super sensitive to the "liveliness" of your room. I originally had them in the living room where the maple finish matched our wood floors perfectly, but between those floors and all the windows, they sounded very "hard" and "thin". My Mythos ST speakers in the same room, as a comparison, sound amazing. My wife (who tolerates and enjoys my hobby but by no means really cares about this stuff) noticed the difference immediately and asked me to leave the Mythos in the living room, even though she loved the looks of the OMD's much more.

Once I moved the OMD-28's to the basement, where there is thick carpet, it was a totally different sound. High's were smoother and the midrange was much fuller. It was now an enjoyable speaker to listen to. And the bass is phenomenal - at least as deep as my Mythos ST with dedicated subwoofers, if not as "punchy" or with the same SPL capability.

I think these are great speakers, but in addition to having the right sound-treatment for your room, be warned that you need great amplification for these. My Yamaha receiver at 130wpc was essentially useless, and the Denon that I have at the same rating is better but still not enough. I bought an Emotiva amp to drive them and it's much better, but I still find myself wanting more power to bring out what these can offer.

Hope this helps
The thing about the OMDs is that it is very easy to tune the presence and treble regions to the room with absorptive panels, which are available now in attractive colors and patterns. I have a pair of tall narrow windows behind my OMDs and I adjust brightness by opening or closing the windows' pleated shades and/or curtains. You can also increase image speificity by putting a panel centered on the wall behind and between the speakers, and also on the side walls to reduce sidewall reflective bounce. Each panel you put up, however, generally diminishes the treble energy and at some point you have to stop, or use smaller panels.

Also, they generally sound better facing forward than angled inward.
Like to thank you guys for your posts and in depth responses.
Well I Did buy these (OMD 28) and they certainly solve the problems I had with the OM-9's. The vocals are very good and nicely placed in the soundfield. The bass is great too.I have only had them 5 days and still breaking them in (I have noticed definate changes during the break in!)
I too am seeing big sound differences in fairly small changes in placement (6") At first I was disappointed in the depth of the soundfield but I am hearing more and more as they get played (plus slight placement changes) I have almost 50 hours on them so guess they must be fairly well broken in. Wondering if my amp has enough power to drive them as well as they should be. I have a Butler 5 channel amp that is 150 WPC. I have noticed it gets a whole bumch warmer when I play at volume. While speaking of volume these speakers don't sound all that great untill they hit 80 db-90 my preferance and then they really come alive.
My room too is a bit of a challenge. It is 17' deep and 26'
long with a cathedral ceiling. my speakers are on the long wall 3' from the back wall and about 5' from one side wall but the right speaker is about 10' from a side wall and that's not a solid wall as I have an open foyer and wet bar there. I notice much more depth from the left speaker. Not sure what I can do about that. I have them toed in actually aiming at me, i'll try facing them forward.