MIT AVT MA vs. Shotgun S1

Hi everybody,

I would like to know if anybodyhave experience with those cables and can share their opinion.
I am trying to move up with cables.
I have shotgun S1 interconnect and speaker's cable.

Mit's website says the AVT MA is a good upgrade to the shotgun S1 but I would like to know if that is true.

Thank you for the attention.

you are talking about the Magnum MA and the Magnum M1.3.
Those two cables of course outperform shotgun S1.
What I am saying is if the the AVT MA would be better than the shotgun S1.

I can have the AVT MA at the same price as the shotgun S1 and that makes it convenient because the cable is sold around (new) for around $800.

My current system has one shotgun on the linestage (I am reselling it to get the AVT MA eventually) and shotgun S1 on speaker's.
I need 2 new signal cables (phonostage to linestage and linestage to power amp) and I was thinking on the AVT MA and for phono interconnect I was thinking on Shotgun S1 phono (I asked MIT if they were planning an AVT MA for phono in the near future but they are not) thus a total of 3 interconnect cables.

So I am trying to understand if the AVT would be a better choice than S1 or if, for example, a used Magnum M3 would be something interesting to look for.

Mit's website says the AVT MA is a consistent step up to the shotgun S1 with 6 more poles of articulation which makes me think it should get close to the Magnum M3 at least.

Does anybody have experience with that?
Do you guys think that the M3 is better than the AVT MA 's series?
Also I am considering to replace the shotgun S1 Bi-wire with either the Magnum M3 or AVT MA bi-wire.
Do you guys think I would have benefit by going with one of the two?
First off, I would recommend the new Gen 3 Magnum or even the Gen 3 Shotgun series over any of the aforementioned cables...they are special and rival my previous Oracle V1.2 cables! I would also suggest you check with Joe Abrams at Equus Audio for the best advice and pricing:O)
yeah I just called Joe and he told me that the shotgun S1.3 would be a bit better than the old Magnum M3, is it true?
I mean how about the shotgun MA then? would that be better than the shotgun S1.3?
Has anybody ever tried the new .3 generation shotgun?
Yes, I auditioned the S1.3 cables before I upgraded to M1.3 cables. I also owned the magnum MA cables before and did not like their presentation at all. The Gen 3 2C3D cables give me a more well defined perspective, a more detailed soundstage and better sense of the acoustic space or venue. The MA stuff sounded less clear and vague in comparison.