Miyajima MADAKE experience

I've noticed that many (if not all) Kansui users tryin' to sell their Miyajima Kansui to upgrade to new released Madake of the higher price. I have zero experience with Kansui or Madake, but i have checked all the rave reviews (there are not so many btw) and spoken to several distributors in Eupore and USA. Seems like Kansui is great even with aluminum cantilever and shibata stylus. Everybody talking about organic sound and musicality of Miyajima top of the line cartridges.

BAMBOO CANTILEVER of the MADAKE is def. exotic solution along with Miyajima-san's CROSS COIL / CROSS RING method.

Appart from the distributors and reviewers it's always important to ask real users (who paid full price) about their Madake experience.

I wonder how this cartridge perform against top of the line modern hi-end cartridges such as ZYX, Benz, Dynavector ... you name it.

Anyone who didn't like it and why ?

It's too much for shibata tip, i would never buy a used miyajima with 600 hrs on it. Their factory re-tipping policy changed to exchange policy only.

The one i'm talking about had only 80 hrs on it and the price was $1500, sold quickly in the end of august.  
My thread was created about 4 years ago and since that day i was thinking about Miyajima cartridge for my collection. I have missed many great offers from the official distributors of Miyajima in several countries from USA to New Zealand, also asked European Distributors for demo units to save on cost, i have seen a used Miyajima cartridges online etc ... for 4 years! But still it was too much money for me and still i’ve seen so many other cartridges for lower cost to try.

I can’t wait no more ...

Finally joined the Miyajima fan club with my (NEW) Miyajima Kansui.
WOW, can’t believe it .

And you know i did’t even crossed my red line in price, so i’m happy :))

Everyone knows that i hate re-tippied or refurbished carts, so i bought NEW (unused) original cartridge to make sure i will have enough time with the original sound.

I want to thank all the contributors in this thread, sometimes it’s hard to find information about wonderful Japanese cartridges, even about new cartridges (except for reviews).

I will add the links to reviews here again:
-Miyajima Kansui in High Fidelity
-Miyajima Kansui in 10 Audio
-Miyajima Kansui in Hi-Fi +

more links on manufacturer website.

I remember rave reviews about Shilabe cartridge, then they made even better Kansui, and then the Madake (which is over my red line in price).

P.S. I have some nice tonearms waiting for this cartridge:

FR-64s & FR-64fx, Lustre GST-801, Victor UA-7082 and modern reference class Reed 3p "12 Cocobolo.

BTW:  HERE is Stefano Bertoncello's  pictures directly from Miyajima Lab in Japan. 

I tried two different Kansui on my 3P and had sibilance I could not get rid of. I later saw another person on audiogon with the same issue. 

@vortrex  Strange, the reviewer's choice for Madake (for example) was Reed 3p and there is no difference in mass and compliance between Kansui and Madake.