ML Statements - Need help matching with best amps

I just scored a pair of ML Statements and want to drive them to the absolute best of their ability.

In this regard I need to biamp the stat and midrange towers and drive the bass stacks separately. A total then of 6 channels of monstrous amplification to be dealt out.

I was thinking of using ICE power on the bass stacks (which I will be running at 4 Ohms by the way). This will give me a nice clean and cool 1000 watts from either the Bel Canto or Rowland offerings.

For the towers I was considering two stereo amps as opposed to 4 monoblocks. I think that 4 giant monoblocks on my floor might be a bit OTT for my wife. I am considering class A power in this case and have heard the BAT VK-600SE's, The Plinius Statements, The various Krell and Levinson offerings and a few others but since home auditions seem to be a thing of the past here on Long Island I am making a blind decision based on evaluations made at CES and other shows (something that is lame at best)and advice from folks like yourselves.

My system:
ML Statements for front
ML Prodigy's at rear for surround
BAT REX Preamp
Anthem Statement D1 for Surround
Shanling CD-300 for Digital
Clearaudio Master Solution w/Master TQ-1 arm for analog
EAR 834P Phono Preamp
Denon 3900 for SACD/DVD-Audio
Playstation 3 for Blu Ray
JVC RS-2 Projector
JVC RS-VP2 Scaler
Three Rows of D-Box 300 Series Motion Seating

O.K. - lots more but that's a fair idea of where I am and now I'd love to hear what the experienced among your ranks think that I can do to invest in amperage. Budget is flexible up to about $30,000 for these front 6 channels.

Sorry, They are the E2's

I like ARC a lot but I don't want to deal with the constant and expensive tube biasing and replacing. I want a pair of high current class A/AB stereo amps with a lot of headroom as these speakers can dip down to 2 Ohms.

Preferably a pair that sound sweet and "tubelike" in the mids and highs as the bass towers will be handled by the Bel Cantos in all likelihood.
Very nice electrostat.

I am not sure how much they are, but the MBL power amps may be sweet enough for you instead of using ARC.
Go the Fabio way.
I wish I could hear those monsters - my dream speakers.
Never the less...own them.
